Saturday, August 22, 2020

Den norske velferdsstaten. Essays - , Term Papers

Cave norske velferdsstaten. 1. FN legger vekt dad tre punkter nar de maler utvikling. Materiell rikdom, verdien av alt som blir produsert I landet, delt dad antall innbyggere. Hesetilstand, malt som forventet leve birch. Utdanningsniva, malt som gjennomsnittlig antall ar prescription utdanning for alle over 25ar og forventet skole posse fo de som begynner dad skole na. 2. Noen velferdsordninger I Norge er: barnetrygd, foreldre penger, sykelonn, arbeidsledighetstrygd, alderpensjon og sosialhjelp. 3. velferdsordningene er universelle betyr at velferdsordningene er until alle, de aller rikeste I norge far barnetrygd. 4. konkurranse utsetting av offentlige tjenester er a gi private selskaper mulighet until a konkurrere om a tilby tjenestene. Dette kan vare alt fra at private selskaper tar over merchant som vasking av skoler, snorydding og soppeltomming until float av sykehus og skolen. 5. statsbudsjettet kan brukes until a pavirke samfunnsokonomien, ved a bestemme hva ressursene I samfunnet skal brukes until. Om staten skal bruke nye penger eller light og om dette budsjettet gar I overskudd eller underskudd. 6. inflasjon betyr prisvekst. Politikerne er redde for at prisveksten skal bli for hoy fordi dette forer ti priser dad vare og tjenestene stiger og det forer until at de norske varene tighten I konkurransen prescription utenlandske varer og det vil fore until tap av arbeidsplasser. 7. handlingsregelen er en regel som gar ut dad at det er avkastning until statens oljeformu som kan brukes until a skape balanse I statsbudsjettet. Regelen ble vedtatt for a hindre at de bruker mye oljepenger. Fordi hvis staten bruker for mye penger vil det fore until inflasjon og tap av arbeidsplasser. 8. Eldrebolgen er antall mennesker over 60ar. Eldre bolgen vil fore until sterkt okende utgifter until alderpensjoner og pleie og omsorgstjenester. Man frykter at alle forarsaker veldig hoye skatter og avgifter I arene som kommer noe som gjor at bedrifter har det vanskeligere prescription a takle de internasjonale konkurransene.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Emotional, Intellectual And Moral Orientation Essays

The Emotional, Intellectual And Moral Orientation Essays The Emotional, Intellectual And Moral Orientations Of Consciousness Of The Human Person And How They Become Disorientated. Presentation Keeps an eye on world is complex, and his mentalities are complex. What is complex is regularly alarming in light of the fact that it isn't flawless or straightforward. Men like to overlook what number of conceivable outcomes are available to them. (Kaufmann,1970) The human individual is neither straightforward nor slick. It is a unique structure with many associated parts, some of which are still regions of secret, interest and basic numbness. Along these lines to attempt to talk about the directions of the human individual we should attempt to limit our fields of assessment. This is not the slightest bit perfect yet Purcell in I am I love you; the human individual as companion ensnares three unmistakable territories of direction; the enthusiastic/tasteful, the scholarly and the good. These territories are effectively orientated towards excellence, truth and great individually. These directions, when real, are not contained exclusively inside oneself or I however as we are dynamic structures solidly established inside the world our directions are anticipated outwards towards another or a Thou. It is the point at which these directions are restricted to the I or when anticipated onto an It or We that these parts of ourselves gets confused. Direction I At the point when we start to attempt to investigate the passionate directions of the human individual clearly we should attempt to look at its item, to be specific Art. Workmanship is the indication of enthusiastic correspondence, the voice inside that shouts out to the next, hanging tight for an answer. The writer Arnold Schoenberg portrayed this articulation best in 1909: Workmanship is a cry of trouble from the individuals who live out inside themselves the fate of mankind, they are the individuals who don't dismiss their eyes to shield themselves from feeling however open them wide to contradict what must be assaulted. They do, be that as it may, frequently shut their eyes to see what the faculties don't group, to glimpse within what is by all accounts occurring on a superficial level. Inside them turns the development of the world; just a reverberation of it spills out crafted by workmanship. In the primary article, called exchange, in his Between Man and Man, Martin Buber depicts a repetitive dream he has where he lets out a cry into the world. His cry is replied by another reverberation which appears to respond to questions that were, unbeknownst to him, contained inside his own unique cry. In the event that we accept Art as this cry of trouble it tends to be seen that the craftsman is in fact hanging tight for that returning cry of acknowledgment, a profound significant association through a discourse without the limits or limits that encase us in ordinary endurance .It is through this exchange the human individual detours limitations to contact his crowd and to speak and speak with his own locale, humankind. II In the quest for truth the scholarly psyche has regularly stressed hypothesis as opposed to understanding. For our motivations however, both experience and information on others and ourselves are required to inspect the scholarly directions of the individual. For it isn't exactly how I consider myself to be as a rule yet in addition how I carry on with my life that is the encapsulation of my own fact. The expression having the mental fortitude of our feelings can have a significant importance in so far that as we continued looking for our own importance we should experience our own fact. Victor Frankl, while in a Nazi death camp, perceived how individuals discovered quality in the significance as opposed to the nature of their lives: We who lived in death camps can recollect the men who strolled through the cottages soothing others, parting with their last bit of bread. They may have been very few, yet they offer adequate verification that everything can be taken from a man however a certain something: the remainder of human opportunities - to pick one's disposition in some random situation - to pick one's own particular manner. (Victor Frankl) Once more, in any case, we can't over look the significance of communication with another in characterizing our own importance. Through deduction with others we can find our own reasoning and grow our own points of view of comprehension. For certifiable discourse of our intellectual encounters is similarly as significant a correspondence as